Finalized Student-Created Documentation

The Colour Experiment

Documentation Created by the Students 

Upon the completion of an art inquiry, our teaching team decided to ask ourselves the question could students be involved in documentation?  Through the process of allowing the students to create documentation, we learned a lot more about their learning story.  Not only did they select the photos, make the visual arrangement, but they also wrote descriptions of what occurred throughout their learning process.  What was most interesting was a student's reflection about how hard it was to put up a visual display.  Often times we put up student work, and then they arrived at school the next day only to see it in its finalized form.  Why didn't we ever think to include them in the creation/display of their learning story?  

This experience has taught us that so much learning gets lost when we focus on the product and negate the process.  

We hope that you enjoy seeing the documentation that our students proudly put together!

Share your thoughts :

  1. Ut is such a great post.Very interesting experiment. Nice to see it. Could you share this article at Couse it would be great if more people find out about it. and good luck with your follow up.

