TransformEd Winter Workshops 2015

This winter, I will be offering three "breakfast and learn" workshops at the St. George's Golf and Country Club (1668 Islington Avenue Toronto, Ontario M9A-3M9) from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to resume offering the Kindergarten AQ Course on behalf of York University until the Spring of 2015.  Though I am in our new school and have setup the library, I will not be able to request a permit until then.

For now you may be interested in the following learning opportunities: 

1) Inquiry planning: Finding a balance between an emergent curriculum and standard curriculum 
Saturday, January 17th, 2015
9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Learn how to a follow a child's interests and wonders, while also considering the Full-Day Early Learning Kindergarten program document.  In this workshop, an example of an inquiry project will be shared, ways to use pedagogical documentation to support planning, and how to ensure that all students leave Kindergarten able to read and write.  Participants will have the opportunity to look at different ways to begin a inquiry, as well as a hands-on-learning opportunity to support their understanding of the inquiry process.

2) iPhonography: How photographs can enhance your teaching and inquiry work
Saturday, February 7th, 2015
9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Have you ever wondered how to improve your photography?  After four years of using my iPhone to document student learning, I have several tips to offer you in this area!  This workshop is geared towards educators who photograph play-based and inquiry-based learning and are sharing these learning pictures using social media or on the walls of their classroom.  Participants will have the chance to see the progression and evolution of my photography, as well as practise using photography apps that can easily be incorporated into their program.  Any smart phone or digital camera is welcome to this session!

3) Portfolios: Thinking and learning time made visible
Saturday, March 7th, 2015
9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

As a Full-Day Kindergarten Educator, I collect a lot of documentation throughout the school day and year.  Learn how to organize the documentation within a documentation portfolio. Participants will be shown examples of portfolios, and they will get the opportunity to hear what is included inside of them and why.

The final day to register is Monday, December 1st, 2014 to ensure that I can confirm the number of participants with the golf course. After December 1st, 2014 if you are unable to attend the workshop session that you have signed up for, you can sell your spot to someone else and let me know via email.  No refunds will be issued, as the golf course requires payment of the confirmed number of participants.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Workshop Selection/Registration:

Thank you for your interest in the TransformEd Winter Workshops! I look forward to meeting you and learning with you!


Joanne Marie Babalis

Perfectly placed questions

create an explosion of


Share your thoughts :

  1. Hi Joanne, I've followed your classroom transformation and blog and am awed by everything you do. I would absolutely love to attend your workshops but unfortunately live 3 1/2 hours away and am quite busy with three young boys. I was wondering if you would ever consider opening your workshops to online. Just a thought as I realize what a busy woman you are. Keep up the wonderful work you do. You truly inspire many educators all over Ontario and beyond!

  2. I will second that request! I'm always so envious of those who are able to attend in person, and would love to attend online one day! :)

  3. As a teacher who lives in Northwestern Ontario I would love to attend some sort of online session! I am so inspired by you and would love to attend your workshops, but it would take me two days to get there, lol!

  4. Hello Joanne! I am an ECE in an SK classroom in Ottawa. My teacher and I were wondering more details about your small groups. How do you choose the groups? When and for how long do these take place? Does the ECE in the room help with these lessons? Do you have an example of a lesson?

    We love reading your blog here at my school! You are so full of expert knowledge.
    Thanks so much for your time!

  5. Just to clarify.. this question was inspired by the photos of the sticky notes with the children's names on it. I am assuming that the rest of the class is in free play at this time and that you take a small group to one area of the classroom? Is this a required activity? Correct me if I am wrong on any of this! Any information you have would be helpful!! Thx :)

  6. Hi Joanne
    I would like to speak to you about a presentation opportunity this summer in a different province. Will you please send your contact details to me at I do not want to send a work email to this public forum.

    Thanks, and looking forward to hearning from you.

  7. Hi Joanne,
    Is it too late to register for these workshops? I would like to attend all three of them. Please advise and thanks! :)

    1. Please contact me @ am looking to sell a spot to the Jan. 17th and March 7th workshops!


    2. Hello Tania,

      You can contact me at and we can make arrangements for you to take Karlene's place. Thanks!

  8. Hi Jonanne...

    Is it too late??

    1. Please contact me @ am looking to sell a spot to the Jan. 17th and March 7th workshops!


  9. Hi Joanne, is it too late to register for the January seminar?

    1. Please contact me @ am looking to sell a spot to the Jan. 17th seminar!


  10. I can no longer attend the January 17th or March 7th sessions and am looking to sell my spots since apparently I can't be issued a refund :(

    If any of the "anonymous" people who have commented here are interested, please contact me at

  11. Hello Karlene,

    The next person who contacts me can pay you for your spot, rather than going through paypal.

  12. Glad we were able to sort this out! Karlene has sold her spot.

    Thanks everyone for your interest!

