The Sky is the Limit!

The Sky Inquiry

What colour is the sky today?
Why does it change?


One day Ms. Babalis was driving to school when she noticed that the colour of the sky looked like this:

Seeing this really intrigued her, so she showed the picture to her class that very same day on the smart board.  She wondered why does the sky change colour?  Over the next few days, she took more pictures and shared them with the class.  More students were puzzled, so they decided to turn their questions into an inquiry.  

A research team was formed who wanted to investigate why the sky changed colours, and track the changes each day.

Stay tuned for more posts about how this inquiry unfolds!

Thank you to the educators who met today at York University to discuss documentation.  I appreciate all of your ideas and am looking forward to orchestrating some of them within the classroom next week!

Share your thoughts :

  1. Thank you for sharing your classroom transformation! I think you have created a beautiful and inspiring environment for your students (and yourself!) I am new to teaching Kindergarten and am just beginning the path of transforming the rather traditional classroom I inherited into something more reggio-inspired. I am wondering if you would be willing to share your classroom's daily schedule with us. Planning for the flow of the day is an area that I am particularly interested in!

    Again, thank you so much for sharing your ideas I find your blog very inspiring!

  2. Thanks so much Sarah!

    The "flow" of our day is certainly something that needs to be blogged about.

    I will try to write about that as soon as possible!


