I spy with my little eye something that is new...

Be sure to check out our new "More Pages to Peruse" section at the right side of the blog.  I will continue to add to each page, throughout this year.

Doesn't this photo make your heart melt? 
I captured it right after we made our new Documentation/Portfolio display shelf.
The students visit them all the time!

Share your thoughts :

  1. Hi Joanne
    I am really enjoying your blog. I teach in an infant school in Australia that takes some inspiration from the reggio style. I have just had a year off on maternity leave and I am starting to think about my return to work and setting up the new classroom. The biggest issue I face is the fact that our classrooms are very small. With a desk and chair for each child to sit at there is just about enough room left for the group (approx 18 students) to sit together on a carpet! Sadly there is very little space for the beautiful displays and provocations that I have seen on your site. Do you have any suggestions for working in such a limited space?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Sarah-Jane,

      What if you look at your desks in a different way. Set them up around the room for provocations and inquiry spaces (not all desks but some grouped together). Then purchase clipboards to encourage students to write on-the-move. If your students have self-regulated snack, only a few will be eating at a time. If not, students can always bring chairs together to the desks without provocations and sit more chairs around. I find most of my grade one students prefer to move around the room working at learning areas as opposed to being at their desk. They love to use clipboards and sit/lay on the floor as they work. It also allows for students to comfortably collaborate on writing projects. Hope this helps!

