We began our online sharing with important topics such as the image of the child, environment as the third educator, atelier, outdoor spaces, provocations, emergent curriculum, documentation, loose parts, light and shadow, creativity, and more. This @CTInquiry page has essentially become an archive of Reggio Emilia ideas! You can use this page as a reference for your classroom and to explore other accounts in the Early Childhood field who are on a similar journey.
If you are interested in participating, we are currently posting about the "language of colour" with a giveaway of a trigeod colour wheel puzzle from @chrysanthoscolor and a package of 16 large crayons from @crayola. Both are photographed above...
In honour of our colour challenge, I wanted to share some of my favourite colourful experiences with all of you! You might notice that my go to products continue to be from @crayola. As a new Mama, I just feel most confident knowing that I'm giving my baby non-toxic products that are washable. Therefore, I trust Crayola products in my home studio space with young children, in my kindergarten classroom, and even when facilitating creative learning opportunities for educators! The quality and variety available from my favourite art stores is incomparable! I also appreciate all their resources on social media and their Canadian website.
What are your favourite colourful materials?
Baby S painted a pot for his strawberry plant - a gift for grandma who has helped him grow! |
When your tiny explorer puts a crayola crayon into water and it works like a new material
- something I'd have never thought of! |
More than just finger paints - we use them for splatter art and on several surfaces including canvases! |
Drawing with sidewalk chalk and using water to erase it! |
Making shape robots using colourful cut and paste materials! |
Collaborative paintings - a child with their mother. |
Fresh boxes of pastels and water colours for my workshops are always well received! |
When another educator shares your passion for the Arts and presents her colours with so much beauty! @shimmerteach |
Learning about colours using books and real objects. |
Always reaching for colours! |
Inspiration from a book! |
Creating with colour is a full body experience that brings so much joy to all ages! |
Baby S and I love to colour match and find the closest shade. |
Colour mixing and feet painting! |
Making sensory bags with paint and hair gel. |
Capturing a moment in time - My first Mother's Day! |
Freezing paint in ice cube trays is always a good idea! |
Voila - An ice paint colour palette ! |
Loving colour so much that it becomes your 1st birthday theme! |
Observational drawings a colour techniques! |
When your students match your rainbow of possibilities! |
Choosing water colour for an adult colouring experience! |
My curious little artist is already mixing mediums! |
Paint that pops off the page! |
Life is simply more fun in colour! |
I hope that you enjoyed some of my colourful examples!
Thank you to our online community for connecting with us and spreading so much Reggio Emilia inspiration! We continue to learn from your beautiful images and thought provoking learning environments.
Don't forget to enter the contest and stay tuned for more fun free giveaways over the coming months in relation to the hundred languages of children.
I found I could say things
with colour and shapes
that I couldn't say any other way -
things I had no words for.
-Georgia O'Keeffe
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