Starting to think about how you might set up your learning space(s) for September?
#TransformEdConsultingServices has you covered with this summer giveaway !! It includes a vintage lace table runner, glass vase, stainless steel mirror-like tray, paint containers, tiny water cups, and colourful brush set!!!!
Now here's how to win:
• Follow me on Instagram.
• Like this post.
• In the comment section tag (mention) at least 5 friends who are either educators, artists, or parents to young children AND write a quote that inspires you.
• Regram (repost) this giveaway picture on your social media accounts (Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook) to share it with your network.
The winner with the MOST INSPIRING QUOTE will be announced next Sunday !!! I would be happy to personally deliver this prize to your classroom/program in late August and see/help you with your transformation. Then I can feature your creative space on my blog !!!
Good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know that it is early August, but if you are anything like me your mind is already on back to school!
Here are some fun ways that the giveaway materials have been presented, photographed, and used by adult learners during one of my TransformEd workshop sessions. I am so curious how one lucky winner will display them and what learning it might promote in our youngest learners!
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and social media pages. It is always nice to give back to my amazing followers!
Check out the comment feed on Instagram, where there are already so many inspiring quotes!!!
I am always gathering quotes and have a tiny notebook where I keep my favourites! Can't wait to record yours and use them in future blog posts!
Dwell in possibility.
-Emily Dickson
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