Student Year-End Reflections

Here are some of the thoughts from the students as they reflected about their school year:

As always, I had a clipboard and pen in hand ready to take anecdotal notes of students' thinking.  The following was completed during recess time, where I spoke with students who showed interest in having a conversation about our school year.

What did you love about school?

L.N.: I loved creative crafts, because you get to make lots of creative stuff!
T.M.: I loved about school when I was playing at discovery because I could build different stuff.
E.H.: I loved playing at playful learning!
A.S.: I loved recess, because it is fun!
Z.A.: I loved our classroom, because of creative crafts because I can make stuff.

What will you remember about Bond Lake P.S. and our kindergarten class?

M.L.: I will remember the whole school and the sky inquiry and I will remember the trips and we took the bus on the trips.
N.A.: I will remember the sky inquiry, because I had lots of fun dancing.
N.Z.: I will remember Ms. Babalis, Mrs. Ham, and Mrs. Mumma because you all taught me a lot.  I learned the word "puzzled" can lead to an inquiry.
J.J.: I will remember my teachers and friends, because I think it's fun to remember our friendship.

What will you miss?

N.Z.: I will miss my friends, because they spend a lot of time with me!
N.A.: I will miss the dancing and the whole school!
M.L.: I will miss the sky inquiry, the dance that we practiced and I will miss the children and my nice teachers.
N.O.: I'm never going to see your classroom again.  I'm going to my sister's new school.
J.J.: The classroom, because my friend J.A., R.G., E.H., and my teachers are there.

We also spent some time discussing what advice we could give to the new JK students entering our kindergarten classroom.  Some children were compelled to write letters or create cards for them with their advice and positive encouragement.  (I'm not sure if I have brought them home, but if I have I will share some of their thoughts in a later post.)  It will be nice to see our current JK's as SK leaders!

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