I asked the following question after I showed the students photo documentation of our visitors during the open-house event:
How did it make you feel to have visitors in our class looking at your work?
T.M.: It felt good, because the room was clean.
J.G.: Happy, because then they can see our work. Our work is beautiful!
J.A.: I wonder why so many visitors were in the classroom.
N.Z.: I feel happy and surprised when visitors come, because I love when visitors come, and I was surprised, because I never thought so many visitors would come!
E.H.: I feel happy, because the visitors liked it!
R.J.: I feel happy, because they liked all of it! All of the things in the classroom.
D.L.: I feel happy, because the visitors liked our work! And it's because I work hard everyday.
T.A.: I feel happy, because they liked our classroom and it was really clean to see. If it's dirty or something they won't like to come.
J.G.: I felt happy, because the visitors were all impressed. We showed our personal best writing on the wall.
S.F.: Because we did our good personal best!
M.H.: I wonder why the visitors liked the writing on the wall.
C.H.: I wonder why they liked the snail playground.
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