New Inquiry Resource

I would like to share with you a link to a new inquiry resource entitled "Ways to Learn Through Inquiry: Guiding Children to Deeper Understanding" by Jo Fahey.

“Jo Fahey vividly depicts inquiry with young children and challenges educators to imagine a new range of what is possible in early childhood classrooms centered on learning through inquiry. She shares compelling images of the multiple ways that inquiry can play out in the lives of young children when educators view inquiry as a philosophy rather than a specific set of procedures. This book makes an enormous contribution to the fields of early childhood education, global education, and inquiry-based curriculum.” - Kathy G. Short

Share your thoughts :

  1. Hi, I work in IB school in Guayaquil - Ecuador, I would like to know if there is any possibility to buy your book as a downloadable book or and e-book , please let me know . I look forward to hearing from you.


